
እንደተቀበልኩት ምህረት እንደቸርነትህ ብዛት እንዳገለግልህ እርዳኝ ጌታ ሆይ ስጠኝ የመንፈስን እሳት"-በዚህ ዌብሎግ እውነተኛው የጌታ ኢየሱስ ባሪያ ተስፋዬ ጋቢሶ ይታወስ ዘንድ ወሰንን።This weblog has been dedicated to Tesfaye Gabiso,the faithful servant of The Lord.

my pic

በጌታ ስም ሰላም ለዚህ ቤት።Peace be to this house in the Name of the Lord.

Fig.1, above - is my new picture,captured by my computer, according to the principles of Moses:

"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." - Deuteronomy 6:5

እንዴት ሰነበቱ እርስዎ?How are you today?

ከላይ የሚያዩት የኔ የራሴ ፎቶ ነው።ኦሪጅናል ነው የተነሳሁት ።እርስዎም እንዲህ መነሳት ይችላሉ። The above is my own original pic.You can also pose for a pic like that. Praise to the Lord.

፩.ሌላው ሁሉ የኖርኩት ኑሮ ፤የሰራሁት ስራ ይቅርና ሰው መሆኔ ራሱ ኃጢያተኛነት ነው።ስለዚህ እጆቼን ወደመሃሪው አምላክ በጌታ በኢየሱስ ስም ዘርግቼ  ምህረት ስለምን የተነሳሁት ፎቶ ነው።

1.I do not have to consider what I have done and how I have lived- the fact that I am a human being makes me  sinful or a sinner. For this reason this is a pic of myself taken while I had stretched my hands heavenwards to the Loving Lord our God ,seeking His Mercy, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

፪.ምህረትንም በመቀበሌ ደግሞ ዘወትር ምስጋና ላይ ሆኜ የተነሳሁት ፎቶ ነው።

2.It is also a picture of mine taken while I was praising the Lord for granting me His Loving Kindness and Mercy.

፫. “እንደተቀበልኩት ምህረት እንደቸርነትህ ብዛት” በተሰኘው የተስፋዬ ጋቢሶ ቢት ደግሞ “ እንዳገለግልህ እርዳኝ ጌታ ሆይ ስጠኝ የመንፈስን እሳት” እያልኩ ስማጸን የተነሳሁት ፎቶ ነው።

3.Also a pic of mine taken while I was praying to the Lord, accompanied by the songs of Tesfaye Gabiso,  - According to your mercy and loving-kindness for me ,Lord, baptise me by the fire of the Spirit.

፬.እንዲሁ ደሞ ሙሉ በሙሉ በክርስቶስ ኢየሱስ በኩል ለተገለጠው  የአምላክ ፍቅር ተማርኬ -ገንዘብ፤አለም፤ሰው፤ስጋ...ወዘተ ለምኔ ብየ ፤የመለኮት የፍቅር ጦር የማልቋቋመውን የማዳን ኃይል በደገነብኝ ጊዜ ፤ በምርኮ ሰአት የተነሳሁት ፎቶ ነው።

4.And ,yes,also ,a pic of mine taken when I gave my back to the Devil and his lies,accusations  and threats.Yes, a pic of mine taken when I rejected the World according to the Devil and all other evils.It is not easy NOT to surrender to the World and the Flesh and the Money and all other Evils in the world.But by the Power of God we can reject all these -only and only if we surrender for the Army of the Love of God around us.


ሰለሶስቱ ክበቦች ደግሞ ጌታ እግዚአብሔር ቢፈቅድ በሕይወትም ብንኖር  ትንታኔ ለመስጠት እንዘረጋለን።
እርስዎስ ዛሬ ወዴት ይሄዳሉ?What about u?Where r u going today?

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
Praise be to the Lord God Almighty for His Loving Kindness. Amen.
